[2,"a","ble","having the means or power to do something"] [2,"a","bove","in or at a higher place; up"] [2,"a","cross","from one side to the other"] [2,"ad","dress","the place to which mail or packages can be sent to someone; place where someone lives or works"] [3,"ad","ven","ture","an exciting and dangerous event"] [2,"a","fraid","feeling fear; frightened"] [2,"af","ter","behind in place or time; coming next"] [3,"af","ter","noon","the time of day from noon to evening"] [2,"a","gain","once more; a second time"] [2,"a","head","in or to the front; forward"] [2,"al","low","to let be done"] [2,"al","most","very nearly but not completely"] [2,"a","lone","away from anything or anyone else"] [2,"al","ways","at all times; at every time"] [2,"a","maze","to cause to feel great surprise or wonder; astonish"] [2,"a","muse","to keep busy or interested with something pleasant"] [2,"an","gry","feeling or showing anger"] [3,"an","i","mal","any living being that can move about by itself, has sense organs, and does not make its own food as a plant does"] [2,"an","swer","anything said, written, or done in return to something, such as a question, letter, request, or statement; reply"] [2,"an","y","one, no matter which one, out of three or more"] [3,"an","y","one","any person; anybody"] [3,"a","part","ment","a single large room or a group of rooms used to live in"] [2,"ap","pear","to come into sight"] [2,"ap","ple","a round, firm fruit with red, yellow, or green skin"] [2,"a","round","in a circle"] [2,"ar","row","a slender rod that is shot from a bow"] [2,"a","sleep","in a condition of sleep; sleeping"] [3,"as","ton","ish","to surprise greatly; fill with wonder; amaze"] [2,"ba","by","a very young child"] [2,"bal","loon","a large bag that floats high above the ground when it is filled with hot air or a special gas"] [2,"base","ball","a game played by two teams on a field with four bases that form the corners of a diamond-shaped path"] [3,"bas","ket","ball","a game for two teams of five players each that is played on a court with a raised basket at each end"] [3,"beau","ti","ful","delightful to look at, listen to, or think about"] [2,"be","cause","for the reason that; since"] [2,"bee","hive","a box or other place for a colony of bees"] [2,"be","fore","ahead of"] [3,"be","gin","ning","the first part"] [2,"be","hind","in or to the rear or back"] [2,"be","lieve","to accept as true or real"] [2,"be","long","to have its proper place"] [2,"be","low","in or to a lower place; beneath"] [2,"ber","ry","a small, juicy fruit that has many seeds"] [2,"be","side","by the side of; close to"] [2,"birth","day","the day on which a person is born or something begins"] [2,"blan","ket","a large, soft piece of thick cloth that is used as a covering for warmth"] [3,"blue","ber","ry","a small, round, dark-blue berry that can be eaten"] [2,"blue","bird","a songbird of North America that has a blue back and blue wings"] [2,"bot","tom","the lowest part"] [2,"break","fast","the first meal of the day"] [2,"but","ter","the yellow fat gotten by churning cream"] [3,"but","ter","fly","an insect with a slender body and four broad wings, usually brightly colored"] [2,"can","dle","a piece of wax with a wick through its center"] [2,"car","rot","a plant with a long, thick, orange-red root that is eaten as a vegetable"] [2,"car","ry","to take from one place to another"] [3,"cel","e","ry","a pale green plant with long, crisp stalks that are eaten as a vegetable"] [2,"cel","lar","a room or group of rooms underground, usually beneath a building"] [2,"cer","tain","without any doubt or question; sure"] [2,"cher","ry","a smooth, round fruit with a sweet, juicy part covering a hard stone"] [2,"chick","en","a common farm bird that is raised for its eggs and meat; hen or rooster"] [2,"chip","munk","a small North American squirrel that has brown fur with striped markings on its head and back"] [2,"cit","y","a large, important town, usually with many thousands or millions of people"] [2,"clev","er","quick in thinking or learning; smart"] [2,"cov","er","to place one thing over another"] [2,"dan","ger","a condition in which something bad or harmful could happen"] [2,"day","time","the time of daylight between sunrise and sunset"] [3,"de","li","cious","very pleasing to the sense of taste"] [3,"de","liv","er","to take or carry and hand over"] [2,"des","sert","something sweet served at the end of a meal"] [3,"dif","fer","ent","not alike; unlike"] [2,"din","er","a person eating dinner"] [2,"dirt","y","not clean; needing to be washed"] [3,"dis","cov","er","to come upon or find out about"] [2,"dis","turb","to break up the quiet or calm of"] [2,"don","key","an animal that is like a horse but smaller and with longer ears"] [2,"ear","ly","near the beginning of something; soon after the start"] [2,"eas","y","not hard to do, learn, or get; not difficult"] [4,"el","e","va","tor","a platform or box for carrying people and things up and down, in a building, mine, or other place"] [2,"emp","ty","having nothing or no one in it"] [2,"e","nough","as much or as many as needed or wanted"] [2,"eve","ning","the close of the day and the early part of the night"] [2,"e","vent","something that happens, especially something that is important"] [4,"ev","er","y","one","every person"] [4,"ev","er","y","thing","every thing that there is"] [4,"ev","er","y","where","in every place; in all places"] [2,"ex","cite","to cause strong feeling in; stir up"] [2,"ex","plain","to make clear or plain"] [3,"fam","i","ly","a group that is made up of one or two parents and all their children"] [2,"farm","er","a person who owns or works on a farm"] [2,"feath","er","one of the soft, light parts that grow out of the skin of birds, covering the body and filling out the wings and tail"] [2,"fin","ish","to bring or come to an end; complete"] [3,"fire","fight","er","a person whose work is putting out fires"] [2,"fire","place","a place built to hold a fire"] [2,"fol","low","to come or go after"] [2,"friend","ly","of, like, or from a friend; kindly"] [2,"fright","en","to make or become suddenly afraid; scare"] [2,"fun","ny","causing smiles or laughter; amusing"] [2,"fur","ry","covered with fur"] [2,"gar","den","a piece of ground where flowers or vegetables are grown"] [2,"ham","mer","a hand tool that is used for driving in nails, breaking stones, shaping metal, and other kinds of pounding"] [2,"han","dle","the part of a thing that can be held, lifted, pulled, or turned with the hand"] [2,"hap","pen","to take place"] [2,"heav","y","weighing a great deal"] [2,"hel","lo","a word used to greet someone or to answer the telephone"] [2,"help","ful","giving help; useful"] [2,"horse","shoe","a flat metal plate that is shaped like a U and nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof to protect it"] [2,"hun","gry","wanting or needing food"] [2,"hunt","er","a person or animal that hunts"] [2,"hur","ry","to move or act quickly or too quickly"] [3,"i","de","a","something that a person thinks, imagines, or knows; a picture in the mind"] [2,"ig","loo","a dome-shaped hut built from blocks of snow"] [2,"in","side","the side or part that is within"] [2,"in","vite","to ask in a polite way to come somewhere or do something"] [2,"jol","ly","full of fun; cheerful and playful"] [2,"kitch","en","a room for preparing and cooking food"] [2,"kit","ten","a young cat"] [2,"let","ter","a mark used in writing or printing that stands for a speech sound"] [3,"li","brar","y","a place where books, magazines, newspapers, records, and other materials are kept for reading or borrowing"] [3,"light","heart","ed","free from care; cheerful"] [2,"li","on","a large, strong animal that is related to the cat and lives in Africa and Asia"] [2,"lis","ten","to pay attention in order to hear; try to hear"] [2,"lit","ter","odd bits or scraps scattered about"] [2,"lit","tle","small in size; not large or big"] [2,"luck","y","having good luck"] [2,"ma","chine","a thing made up of fixed and moving parts, for doing some kind of work"] [2,"mer","ry","filled with fun and laughter; lively and cheerful"] [2,"mid","dle","the point or part that is halfway between the ends or that is in the center"] [2,"mis","take","an idea, answer, or act that is wrong"] [2,"mon","key","any of a group of furry animals that usually have a flat, hairless face and a long tail"] [2,"morn","ing","the early part of the day, from midnight to noon or, especially, from sunrise to noon"] [2,"moun","tain","a part of the earth's surface that rises high above the surrounding area"] [2,"neigh","bor","a person who lives near another"] [2,"nev","er","at no time; not ever"] [2,"noth","ing","not anything; no thing"] [2,"of","fice","the place where a certain kind of business or work is carried on"] [2,"o","pen","not closed, shut, covered, or stopped up"] [2,"out","doors","in or into the open; outside"] [2,"out","side","the side or part that faces out"] [2,"o","ver","in, at, or to a place above; higher than"] [2,"pack","age","a thing or group of things wrapped or tied up in a box or in wrapping paper"] [2,"paint","er","a person whose work is painting houses, walls, and other things"] [2,"pan","da","a white-and-black animal that looks like a bear"] [2,"pa","per","thin material in sheets that is used for writing, printing, wrapping, decorating, or covering walls"] [2,"par","ent","a father or mother"] [2,"par","ty","a gathering of people to have a good time"] [2,"peo","ple","human beings; persons"] [2,"pil","low","a soft pad used to rest the head on in sleeping"] [2,"play","er","a person who plays a game"] [2,"po","lite","having or showing good manners; thoughtful of other people"] [2,"po","ny","a type of small horse"] [3,"po","ta","to","a very common vegetable that is part of an underground stem of a plant"] [2,"pres","ent","being here or at a certain place"] [2,"pre","tend","to make believe"] [2,"prin","cess","a daughter or granddaughter of a king or queen"] [2,"pud","dle","a small pool of water or water mixed with earth"] [2,"pup","pet","a figure like a doll that is moved with the hand or by wires or strings attached to it"] [2,"pup","py","a young dog"] [2,"pur","ple","a color that is a mixture of red and blue"] [2,"ques","tion","something that is asked in order to learn or know"] [2,"qui","et","not noisy"] [2,"rab","bit","a burrowing animal that has soft fur, long ears, and a very short tail"] [2,"rain","storm","a storm in which there is much rain"] [2,"read","y","prepared to act or to be used at once"] [3,"re","mem","ber","to think of again"] [2,"re","ply","to answer"] [2,"re","turn","to go back or come back"] [2,"riv","er","a large, natural stream of water flowing into an ocean, a lake, or another large stream"] [2,"row","boat","a boat that is made to be moved by rowing with oars"] [2,"run","ner","a person or animal that runs"] [2,"sand","wich","two or more slices of bread with meat, cheese, or other foods in between"] [2,"se","cret","kept from being known or seen by others; hidden"] [2,"see","saw","a board balanced on a support at the middle and used by children at play"] [2,"shad","ow","the darkness or the dark shape cast upon a surface by something blocking light"] [2,"shin","y","bright; shining"] [2,"shov","el","a tool with a broad scoop and a handle"] [2,"side","walk","a path for walking along the side of a street"] [2,"snow","storm","a storm with a heavy snowfall"] [2,"some","thing","a certain thing that is not named or known"] [2,"some","times","once in a while; now and then"] [2,"song","bird","a bird that makes sounds that are like music"] [2,"squir","rel","a small animal that lives in trees"] [2,"sud","den","happening or appearing without warning; not expected"] [2,"sum","mer","the warmest season of the year, following spring"] [3,"sun","flow","er","a tall plant with large, yellow flowers like daisies"] [2,"sup","per","the last meal of the day"] [2,"sur","prise","to cause to feel wonder by being unexpected"] [2,"ta","ble","a piece of furniture made up of a flat top set on legs"] [3,"ta","ble","spoon","a large spoon for serving food, for eating soup, or for measuring things in cooking"] [3,"ter","ri","ble","causing great fear or terror"] [2,"thumb","nail","the nail of the thumb"] [2,"ti","ny","very small"] [2,"to","day","on or during this day"] [3,"to","mor","row","on the day after today"] [2,"to","night","on or during this night or the night of today"] [2,"tur","tle","an animal with a soft body covered by a hard shell. It can pull its head, tail, and legs into its shell to protect itself"] [2,"un","lace","to untie the laces of"] [2,"un","lock","to open by undoing a lock"] [2,"un","pack","to open and empty out"] [2,"use","ful","able to be put to good use; helpful"] [2,"vil","lage","a group of houses in the country, smaller than a town"] [2,"vis","it","to go or come to see someone out of friendship or for business reasons"] [2,"waf","fle","a crisp cake with small, square hollows"] [2,"week","end","the period from Friday night or Saturday morning to Monday morning, as a time for resting from work or school"] [2,"whis","per","to speak or say in a low, soft voice"] [2,"win","dow","an opening in a building, car, or other thing, for letting in light and air"] [2,"win","ter","the coldest season of the year, coming after autumn"] [2,"with","out","free from; not having"] [2,"won","der","something so unusual that it causes surprise or amazement"] [2,"ze","bra","a wild animal of Africa that has dark stripes on a white or tan body and is related to the horse"]